Auto Accident Injuries

Coordinate All Your Healthcare Through One Office

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We Are Your Healthcare Quarterback

When you've been in an auto accident, you need medical specialists and a chiropractor. In fact, your team should work together to get you back on track as quickly as possible—but how do they do that?

Celtic Chiropractic is like the quarterback of your road to recovery. They coordinate all your care, from the initial exam through treatments and even referrals for other specialists.

When you come in for your initial exam, we'll assess your condition and create an evaluation plan to determine what's best for your recovery. We might ask for more tests or refer you to another specialist if needed. From there, we'll be in constant communication with the other doctors who are working with you so that everything stays on schedule.

Once everything is set up and we have a timeline of when we'll be seeing each other again, we can get started! Use our injury evaluation form to get started.

Injury Evaluation

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